Weekly Homework
Read-At-HomeStudents are expected to read on a regular basis. Reading can include novels, graphic texts, online articles, newspapers and magazines. Once a week students are to submit one reading response, either online or in their Read-At-Home duo-tang. Their reading response should include a brief retelling about what they read and describe how they have used one or more reading strategies to support their comprehension of the text.
MathMath homework involves the consistent practice of math facts. Depending on the student fact practise might include addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts. Learning and becoming efficient with your math facts improves math understanding and the ability to manipulate numbers.
Google DocsGoogle Docs is an online platform that allows students to create a variety of technological products, stores resources and allows collaboration between students in realtime. Most importantly it is a way to maintain ongoing communication between students, myself and families. Check your child's Google Docs frequently to see what is going on in the classroom, posted lessons, student work and various activities, View student forum conversations and engage in some interactive classroom-based activities.